I’d like to pose a deep philosophical question this week.
Do you think that leftovers are good for you? And when I ask that, I’m contemplating three specific factors: mental, physical, and fiscal health.
I’m going to put this out there. Leftovers are good for all of the above.
I was asked recently if I do leftovers when I make meals, and my response was an immediate, and emphatic, “YES.” Sometimes, the entire point of cooking a meal is to have leftovers. Sometimes, the leftovers are tastier than the first go-round with a recipe. Chili, for example! The flavors develop the longer it sits!
But I digress.
How, exactly, are leftovers good for your mental, physical, and fiscal health?
I’ll start with the easiest one first. Fiscal.
It’s cheaper to eat leftovers than to go out. Planning and cooking a meal that will have leftovers means you’ll have lunch or dinner the next day. And the next…and the next…if you’ve made an eight-quart pot of chili. (Why are you looking at me like that?) It’s also faster to reheat leftovers than it is to go out and get lunch or dinner at a restaurant, whether you’re getting take-out or sitting in. There you have it; leftovers are good for your fiscal health.
Now, let’s look at physical. Maybe you’re tired of chili. Maybe you’ve had chili for so many days that you’re ready to never have chili again and you want a hamburger and fries. Your sense of fiscal responsibility, though, tells you to finish the chili, so you deal with it. Not always, but most of the time, eating at home will be healthier for you than eating out. YES I KNOW. There are many healthy options at restaurants nowadays, and that’s good. I also know that it’s hard to decide on those healthy options if you’re out and you’re tired, or celebrating, or grumpy, or whatever the case may be, so you end up with a baked potato slathered in butter. And you may have more than you should, and you have dessert, etc. So that last portion of chili? Maybe you do something creative with it like put it over leftover mashed potatoes and cauliflower, or rice, or something like that. Maybe it’s only marginally healthier than going out, but it’s still likely to be a healthier option. Leftovers can be good for your physical health.
Finally, let’s look at mental. How in the world can eating leftovers be good for your mental health? Comfort food, anyone? Relaxing with a dish of your favorite homemade macaroni and cheese left over from the night before can help decrease stress, because you didn’t have to cook, you didn’t have to think about what to make, and you didn’t have to feel guilty about spending the money to go out. You could just relax with a dish of whatever’s in the fridge and have very few dishes or pots & pans to wash. Leftovers can be good for your mental health as well.
There it is. I think I’ve made a pretty good case for leftovers being good for you.
What’s your favorite food to have as leftovers? If you’re not someone who likes leftovers, why not? What would get you to change your mind?
Cheers! Here’s to your health!