Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Apples Again!

I am, again, obsessed with apples and fresh, local produce. It’s getting to be that time of year when we start looking forward to cooler, crisper weather, and crisp, fresh apples (and pears) from local orchards. (I was also completely delighted to go looking for the September hand towel that my mother cross stitched for me and find that the design was apples! Fun!)

I went back, again, to an old topic for this week’s Wine & Wellness Wednesday, as apples have been on my mind lately. I was really pleased with myself on a recent road trip to use apples as a snack instead of getting junk food. The soluble fiber in apples helps keep me feeling full longer, they are a good source of water, and they’re delicious. They're also an excellent snack as I drive home from work! :) 

Cheers! Here's to your health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: An Apple a Day

No, I don't mean the Apple iPhone. Or iPad. Or any Apple product.

I mean the fruit. :) 

Ok, I’m going to be super candid for a moment.

I’m fairly certain I’m terrible about eating fruits & vegetables. Whatever the recommended daily serving may be, I’m pretty sure I’m not getting enough. Although recently I’ve had a fair amount of garden fresh produce, and that makes a huge difference! Cucumbers, apples, strawberries, and tomatoes, oh my! (Insert Wizard of Oz earworm here!) They taste better than veggies and fruits from the grocery store, too! I love fresh veggies and fruits; I’m not always great at remembering to eat them. (Although come to think of it, I do a lot of cooking with veggies so maybe I do better than I think!)

I did enjoy a tasty, juicy, orchard-fresh apple today. :)

I found myself wondering about the phrase, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” So, it being what I do, I went looking for both the origin of the phrase, thank you Wikipedia, and actual science behind why it’s valid. Because, y’know, that’s me. I get curious about stuff. :)

Wikipedia says, "First recorded in the 1860s, the proverb originated in Wales, and was particularly prevalent in Pembrokshire. The first English version of the saying was 'Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.' The current phrasing ('An apple a day keeps the doctor away') was first used in print in 1922.“

Apples are good for you. Soluble fiber and 84% water. A flavonoid (quercetin) that may help reduce the risk of certain cancers. Vitamin C. Phytonutrients.

Maybe they won’t keep the doctor away. But apples (and other fruits!) will help you stay healthy!

How do you like your apples? :) And please don’t just say, “In apple pie!”

Cheers! Here’s to your health!