Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Scale or No Scale & Final Thoughts

Are you a scale or a no scale person?

I am surprised to say I found weighing myself every day (back in April) to provide the most useful information and the most motivation to stay on track with healthier choices.

As a recap:
For April, I weighed myself every day.
For May, I didn't weigh myself at all.
For June, I went back to my old habit of weighing myself before and after exercise on Mondays and Fridays.

It was very interesting to compare and contrast the experience and the feelings of each month! On days in June when I felt like I'd been doing well over the course of a week, I'd get on the scale to grumpy-making numbers. On days when I felt like I hadn't done anything right, I'd get on the scale to numbers that were ok. It was confusing! On the days in April that I weighed every day, the information was at least interesting. I spent lots of April sick, though, so it will also be interesting to try weighing myself daily during a normal month without illness!

Cheers! Here's to your health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Scale or No Scale? An Update!

For this week’s #winewellnesswednesday, I’m looking back at my general thoughts about the difference between weighing myself every day, as I did during April, and not weighing myself at all, as I did during May. I then decided to add a month to the experiment, so my full review of things will come on the first Wednesday of July.

Cheers! Here’s to your health!

04/30/2018: Weighed every day during April. Overall, it was interesting to weigh myself daily and see how it compared to what I felt about the previous day’s activity and eating. I didn’t anticipate being sick with a stomach bug twice or being severely limited in my exercise and activity due to an avulsion fracture in my right foot. So at the end of the month to have gained two & a half pounds instead of being steady or down was frustrating, but also understandable considering the circumstances. The daily weighing didn’t seem to add stress to my days and it was interesting tracking the up and down on my calendar. 4/30 is the last day I’ll weigh myself until June 1, and that is very, very strange to contemplate!


05/02/2018: Just a few days in and I’m finding myself missing the scale, which seems really odd. In April, weighing myself daily, even though I was ill & injured, helped keep me accountable to myself about what I was eating & my activity level. So far in May, not weighing myself is making me re-think whether to have creamer in my coffee or pick up a chocolate bar. That’s ok, but other than how I feel in my clothes I don’t have another tangible way to track my weight progress. It’s odd, but I feel guilty for not weighing in!

Update 05/08/18: I don’t like it. Maybe it’s the mood I’m in today, and I don’t think I’ve been excessively overeating so it’s probably what I’m eating, but I’m bloated and hot and feel icky and fat and I want to know what my weight is but I’m committed to myself to not use the scale again until 6/1. In April, weighing myself daily gave me regular progress reports and helped keep me accountable. I know I’ve been a little more slack about some of my eating and drinking habits. Now, more water. *gulp gulp*

05/24/2018: Wow, May seems like a really long month when I’m waiting for it to be over so I can check the scale. Aaaaaaand I just decided to add a month to the experiment. In April, I weighed myself daily and I liked it. In May, I haven’t weighed myself at all other than at a physician’s checkup, and I haven’t liked it. For the month of June, I’m going to go back to my old habit of weighing myself on Monday and Friday mornings, before and after exercise, and see how it feels compared to the way April and May felt.

05/30/2018: Almost the end of the May portion of the experiment, and I’m really looking forward to checking the scale and seeing whether the number fits how I’ve been feeling.

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Scale or No Scale?

For this week’s Wine & Wellness Wednesday, I want to talk about the scale. Have you ever thought about the impact that your scale can have on your overall wellness?

Think about it. Let’s look at some scenarios.

You’ve exercised daily and feel good about what you’ve been eating & drinking. You’ve been drinking a fair amount of water daily, and you’ve cut back on your consumption of junk food. More salads! Yay you! Then you get on the scale and WHAT?! The numbers are up? What’s your reaction?

You’ve watched what you’re eating and drinking, but you’re not exercising as much as you could. You get on the scale and WHAT?! The numbers are down? Awesome! But…now what?

You’ve exercised daily and feel good about what you’ve been eating & drinking. You’ve been drinking a fair amount of water daily, and you’ve cut back on your consumption of junk food. More salads! Yay you! Then you get on the scale and WHAT?! The numbers are down! Awesome! But…now what?

You’ve watched what you’re eating and drinking, but you’re not exercising as much as you could. You get on the scale and WHAT?! The numbers are up? Well, that’s to be expected, right? But…now what?

Maybe you don’t own a scale. Maybe you judge your weight by how you feel & how your clothes fit. Replace “the numbers are up” or “the numbers are down” in any of those scenarios with “my pants are looser” or “my pants are tighter.”

What’s really baffling is when the scale says one thing and the pants say something else, for example, the scale says “up” but the pants say “down” and OK FINE it’s confusing, but hey, muscle mass weighs more than fat and takes up less space. That’s an entirely different conversation!

If you use a scale, when and how often do you weigh yourself? Every day? Twice a day? Once a week? Once a month? Same time every time? Different times? Before meals? After meals?

My usual habit is to weigh myself first thing on Monday morning, and after I exercise on Mondays, and then again on Friday morning before and after I exercise. I thought about all of these things once recently when I weighed myself after a day of very little exercise and after breakfast the morning after the day of very little exercise. It wasn’t a great feeling. After losing the bulk of vacation weight, and making progress taking the numbers down again, I was up. I was briefly disappointed with myself and then I gave myself a good mental shake and a talking to. “I didn’t exercise yesterday, I had a large dinner, and I weighed myself after breakfast and coffee today. Why?! I know better!”

I didn’t let it affect my mood. I didn’t let it make me think, “Oh, I give up. Nothing I do will make a difference, so why do I bother?”

Everything makes a difference. I bother because I feel better. I check the scale the way I do because I like having the weight numbers to compare. I check my numbers against scales at doctors’ offices. I check my numbers against my past history. For me, it helps me feel I’m making progress and identify ways to make positive changes. And I acknowledge that I won’t always like the numbers, because sometimes I want to have that bag of chips and not worry about it.

As with so many other things in life, multiple opinions exist on whether to use a scale or to skip it. Some even recommend weighing yourself every day. I’m not sure what I think of that idea, honestly! I’m also not sure what I think of skipping the scale for good. I might try both options: skip the scale for several weeks, and weigh myself daily for several weeks, and see what happens.

What about you? Scale or no scale? What’s your thought process and your strategy?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!