Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Don’t Give Up Stuff. Add Stuff!

Ok. The title of this week’s #winewellnesswednesday may seem counter-intuitive, but bear with me for a second.

One of my relatives won’t drink anything with a meal, not even water. What is their rationale? The liquid, whether it’s water or something else, takes up space that they’d rather fill with the good food that’s been prepared.

Light bulb moment!!

As you add good things to your meals and your daily agendas, you start to have less room for the less-than-healthy stuff you’d be better off without.

Are you hungry? Start with a glass of water; you may actually be dehydrated, stressed, tired, or something else. If you’re still hungry afterwards, then it’s probably genuine hunger and you need something to eat. If you’re not hungry, you’re now better hydrated and drinking water is good for you anyway. J Add a salad to your meal, and you might eat fewer appetizers before, or less dessert after. If you spend too much time sitting and watching videos of funny cats online, add a walk to your evening routine. Then you get a bit of fresh air and exercise and less screen time. (Is there such a thing as too much time watching videos of funny cats?)

Add more whole, healthy foods, such as vegetables, nuts, and healthy grains, and you’ll have less room for processed, overly salted foods with too many unpronounceable ingredients. (Cooking at home is a good option too, of course!) You can substitute the good-for-you items without losing anything other than the not-so-good-for-you items, and without feeling deprived. (After all, dark chocolate is a health food, and good for you in moderation.)

What are you going to add to your life that will help you nudge something else out?


Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Down Time

Down time is critical to your health, whether it’s a vacation and you get away, or just a day to do not very much. Yep. It’s an old topic and I’m revisiting it because I’ve realized recently just how much I needed down time. Don’t wait. Schedule down time soon!!!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Blueberries!

I have been mildly obsessed with blueberries lately, and even though there aren’t blueberry patches near us where you can pick your own, I’ve been getting berries at the grocery store that are surprisingly tasty. I eat about ½ C a day and they’re an excellent snack in the afternoon while I’m at work, or something to tide me over before dinner.

Blueberries! They’re berry delicious! (Sorry-not-sorry; couldn’t resist. Didn’t try very hard!) On cereal, by themselves, in salads, or in smoothies, blueberries add antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber to your daily diet. Specifically, 1 cup of blueberries adds 14% of your daily fiber and 25% of your daily vitamin C, and they do it with fewer than 100 calories. (Sweet! Literally!) Blueberries are also high in manganese, which is important to healthy bones. Feeling thirsty? Blueberries are 85% water!

Blueberry plants are relatively easy to grow. They like full sun and well-drained, but still slightly moist soil that’s also slightly acidic. The soil pH should be between 4 and 5. Birds and other wildlife like the berries as much as humans do, so protect your plants with lightweight netting to discourage snacking by wildlife.

I love blueberries because they’re small and easy to eat. They’re sweet without being cloyingly sweet. They’re nutritious but so fresh & delicious that I forget they’re good for me!

How do you like your blueberries? Have you had any recently? Grab a handful for a snack or throw some on your cereal and tell me what you think!

Cheers! Here’s to your health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Beautiful Basil

Several weeks ago I wrote a #winewellnesswednesday post on how much I love thyme, with gratuitous and unlovely punctuation for emphasis.

I love basil, too, but not quite as much as I love thyme. Although I do love having each of these herbs in my garden, and walking outside to pick fresh herbs is a wonderful thing!

Of course, being me, I went looking for the health benefits of adding basil to recipes and generally how it’s good for us. As with thyme, what I found surprised me a bit.

Basil is high in vitamin K, which is important for bone and blood health. Two tablespoons of chopped fresh basil provide over 25% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin K! (That is a lot of basil, honestly…) You’ll also get vitamin A, magnesium, and manganese. (Be careful, if you’re taking a blood thinner; you don’t want to get too much vitamin K.) The essential oils in basil may have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It may help manage blood sugar in patients with diabetes. Basil was historically used for respiratory & digestive problems, epilepsy, insect & snake bites, fevers, migraines, and mental fatigue. Even today, you can rub fresh basil leaves on your skin to repel biting insects, or crush the leaves and rub the mixture onto bug bites for relief from the itching. When cooking, using it fresh is best. If you grow basil in your herb garden, pinch the flowers back to encourage growth and flavor in the leaves. Or you can plant more basil than you think you’ll use, and leave the flowers on some of your plants to make butterflies and bees happy!

Cheers! Here’s to your (herbal) health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Sunscreen Is Not Optional!

I am outside a lot. That seems a bit of an understatement. And when it’s super hot and super humid, as it has been recently, I’d much rather be inside, on my sofa, with my cross stitching. But I digress. I’m outside a lot.

I use a lot of sunscreen. I put sunscreen on my face, my ears, my neck (including the back of my neck), my arms, and my legs. I make sure I apply it under the hems and neckline and so on, because shirtsleeves shift, and shirt collars move, and anywhere that the sun might hit me, I want sunscreen. I frequently, but not always, wear a hat. If I am wearing sandals, I put sunscreen on my feet first.


First: I hate sunburns. Hate. HATE. They hurt. They’re annoying. They peel. Did I mention they hurt?

Second: I have a family history of melanoma. I’ve been very fortunate so far that I have had no problems, right up until this June when I had a possibly suspicious mole removed. It turns out the mole was fine, but the dermatologist wants to keep an eye on a different mole. And I’m fine with that, because my father has had multiple melanoma spots removed.

Sun damage to your skin can be a real problem. A little healthy color in the skin isn’t bad. And sunshine plus skin equals vitamin D, which is an important nutrient. Among other things, vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and keep your bones healthy. But…tanning until your skin is the color (and texture) of cardboard? That’s not something I admire, and it’s not something I am willing to do. I’m covered in freckles. And I have a fair quantity of moles. Most of those moles are no problem. Same with the freckles. But that family history of melanoma I mentioned? That scares me. It scares me a lot. My father recently had to manage an open wound on his neck because of having a large melanoma spot removed. He’ll have to manage that wound until it heals, as it’s too big for stitches. He’s doing fantastically well with it, and the nurse at his dermatologist’s office is very pleased about that. But it’s a chore and a pain and it’s just one extra thing to deal with on a daily basis. Also? Sun poisoning? That’s a thing. That’s a very bad thing. It’s like a sunburn, only much worse. And, by worse, I mean nausea/vomiting/headache/fever worse. Regular application of sunscreen? That’s a good way to avoid sunburns or sun poisoning.

Go With Your Own Glow. I saw that slogan on a poster at the dermatologist’s office and it struck a chord with me. I wear, nowadays, no makeup. I don’t like being bothered with it. Keeping my skin clean and healthy and sunburn free is important to me. 

Wear sunscreen. WEAR SUNSCREEN. Anything above an SPF of 50? It’s marketing; it will do nothing for you. Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen between SPF of 15 and 30 or 50. Protect yourself with suitable clothing if you can, and/or a hat. But wear sunscreen! Your skin will thank you!

Cheers! Here’s to your health!

Wine& Wellness Wednesday: Time for Thyme!

I. Love. Thyme.

Yes, the punctuation, while unlovely by most grammatical standards, was necessary. It’s highly possible that I need to type all that again, but this time with bold, capital letters. And an exclamation point. Possibly two.


Oh, definitely. Bold, capital letters, and exclamation points. Much better.

I think, possibly, you’ve gotten the point by now that I love this herb. I have two thyme plants in my herb garden; golden lemon thyme, and English thyme. I love walking outside and cutting stems fresh so that I can cook with them. I love the smell. I love the taste. Thyme is definitely one of my all-time favorite ingredients.

I think you know what’s coming next. Being who I am, I started to get curious about what health benefits might come from using thyme in my cooking.

Thyme is a hardy perennial herb, originally native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia, and now easily grown in many corners of the world, including my little herb garden. Thyme oil was used by ancient Egyptians as an embalming fluid, and it was commonly planted in medieval monastery herb gardens. It’s an ingredient in bouquet garnis as well as the French fines herbes. Just breathing in a little bit of the fragrance has always made me a little happier, and now I know why. Thyme is approved for therapeutic use in Germany to treat bronchitis, whooping cough, and congestion, among others. It has antiseptic, antibacterial, antioxidant, and antifungal properties. Thyme contains vitamin K, which is important for bone health. Historically, thyme has been used as a remedy for gastric upset, bronchial issues, coughs, colds, laryngitis, flu, asthma, headaches, and inflammation. It may help combat fatigue after illness, and it may help fight depression. Ancient Greeks and Romans believed thyme imparted courage, vigor, and strength. Ancient Greeks also burned thyme to discourage stinging insects. Putting dried thyme in your closets discourages bugs. Note that thyme oil can be diluted in honey or beverages and drunk, however, it can irritate mucous membranes and it is important to be careful, work with a knowledgeable practitioner and follow directions carefully. Thyme can help with coughs; make a tea from fresh thyme or from medicinal-quality dried thyme purchased at a health-food store, not just the grocery store.

Honestly, I had no idea that one of my very favorite herbs had so many amazing qualities!

What recipes do you enjoy that have thyme in them? (What new recipes are you thinking about trying? How about adding fresh thyme to your scrambled eggs or to your next pasta sauce?)

Cheers! Here’s to your health!

Water & Wellness Wednesday: Cheers to Water!

Ha!! Gotcha! I bet you were expecting another edition of Wine & Wellness Wednesday…

Well, you got it, but I am feeling quirky and I retitled the post for this week. (I know, I know. “Feeling” is different from normal quirky how, exactly?)

It’s warm. Depending on your perspective, it’s starting to be downright hot. We’ve already seen 90 this year, and we’re looking for 90 again soon.

Heat, wind, and humidity are terrific dehydrators. I spend a fair amount of time outside as well as in very warm greenhouses. I drink a LOT of water. On some days, even though I feel like I’ve drunk too much, it still turns out to be not enough.

With those things in mind, I decided it was time to revisit my old friend, my water topic. I also thought of some things that I didn’t put in the original post.

Drinking water isn’t just important for your insides. It’s critical for your outsides, too! Without sufficient water, your skin can become more susceptible to damage and wrinkling. (And don’t forget sunscreen! But that’s a topic for another day.) Water lubricates joints, regulates body temperature, and supports all critical bodily functions.

Do you feel like you drink enough water? There are apps you can use to keep track and to remind you to have a good guzzle. One that I like using is the Drink Water Aquarium. You can set your own goals and gamify drinking water by adding fish & scenery to a virtual aquarium. (No fish food necessary!)

What’s that you say? You don’t like the taste of water? Get a filter pitcher or bottle. Try a filter bottle that lets you add your own fruit or vegetables to flavor the water. Try a product such as Hint water; they have multiple flavor options. Put your filter pitcher in the fridge if you like it cold. (I don’t, but that’s me!) Try sparkling water. But have a drink of water! (Preferably, more than one!)

Cheers! Here’s to your health!


Water! Let’s talk about water. This is becoming one of my very favorite things. :) I’m one of those people who (mostly) likes the taste of water, and it’s one of my favorite beverages. (Although there is definitely some tap water that needs help. Lots of filtering. And lots of lemons.)

I’ve started asking for water with no ice and a few slices of lemon in it when I’m at a restaurant. Think about it: if you drink ice cold water with your meal, you’re chilling down the digestive fire and interfering with your body’s ability to process your meal (according to Ayurvedic medicine). Also, the lemon in your water will help you digest your food better.

There is, again, a fair amount of conflicting information on how much water a person should drink. Eight ounces per 10 pounds of body weight, or eight glasses that are 8 ounces each, or 10 ounce for each 15 pounds of body weight or or…Argh! What to do?

You’ll figure out what’s right for you. Definitely drink when you’re thirsty, and, in hot weather, drink before you’re thirsty. If you feel like having a snack, but maybe it’s not really hunger, you can figure it out by having a glass of water first. Or if you’re bored and feel like eating (or angry, or upset), try having a drink of water first.

One other thing about consuming water that I think is important to mention. In my last Wine & Wellness Wednesday post, I pointed out that if you’re not a wine drinker, you don’t need to start. Well, if you’re not a water drinker, you totally need to start! Water makes up a considerable part of the human body and it’s critical to your health to drink it!

Also! I’ve grown to love having a cold water end to my shower. The cold water chases blood away from the skin, back into the body where it circulates better and supports digestion better, and it helps me cool off after a hot shower. (Although occasionally I’ve gotten the shower too cold and the…we’ll say squeaks…have agitated our dogs!)

Cheers! Here’s to your health!


Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Boundaries Are Healthy

Back in April, I posted about balance and how to find it, along with three questions to ponder. As I think more about that topic, I’ve started thinking about how we put up boundaries around our time and energy (or how we don’t) and how each of those actions impacts our mental and physical health and wellness. The questions I asked in that April post are relevant here also. Do you know your core values, and do you have them written down? What REALLY matters to you? What thing (or things) in your life can you absolutely not do without on a daily basis?

First, a quick definition. From Wikipedia: “Personal boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave towards them and how they will respond when someone passes those limits.” I think of boundaries not only as these guidelines or limits, but also as ways of protecting or safeguarding my time and energy. “Can you do whatever activity on whatever day?” “Ok, yes!” “No, but I could do whichever instead on a this other day.” “Not at this time, but thanks for asking.”

So protecting my own time and energy has become more of a priority as I get older (and hopefully wiser). Part of creating these boundaries relates, as I mentioned at the beginning, to knowing my core values, what matters to me, and what I can’t do without on a daily basis.  To-do lists and schedules are useful. Understanding my energy levels is important. Being intentional about my time and ensuring that I have time for the things I want to get done is critical. It’s also important for me to support the people close to me (for example, my husband) and help them have their own time and space as well.

How about you? Do you set boundaries around yourself, your time, and your energy? Cheers! Here’s to your health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Routines Are More Than Just Routine

It seems as though periodically I come back to why routines are good things, and it seems as though it’s happened a lot in the spring. I recently posted about having gone through a colonoscopy and food allergy testing en route to figuring out some fairly significant (and extremely annoying) gut issues.

I didn’t realize just how badly my routines had been disrupted until I started getting them back, and oh, my, do I feel better! I am incredibly grateful to have my morning meditation, journaling, and exercise routine back. I’m getting back into the routine of setting up the next day’s coffee at night so it’s ready to go. I’m starting new routines, such as spending chunks of time in the yard on multiple days of the week. My cross stitch routine has reached 596 days, which is awesome and a little scary.

Routine may seem to equal boring…and yet it is anything but boring!

What healthy routines do you have, or are you still working on building them?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Hobbies for Health!

Did you know that having a hobby (or more than one) is good for your health?  

First, let’s define the word, “hobby.” Merriam Webster defines it as, “a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation.”

What are some examples?

  • Hiking, walking, biking, running (sports of all kinds)

  • Reading or learning

  • Writing

  • Cross stitch & needlework; sewing

  • Knitting & crocheting

  • Cooking

  • Gardening

  • Photography

  • Games

  • Volunteering

  • Juggling

  • Painting & drawing

  • Coloring & scrapbooking & making cards

  • Crossword or jigsaw puzzles

Basically, if it’s something you do in your free time, and it isn’t your primary source of income, and is something you enjoy, it’s a hobby! For example, I cross stitch every day and here’s why. About 5 years ago, I realized I hadn’t cross stitched for several weeks and I was feeling super stitchy. (Feel free to substitute a different letter for the start of that word…) I set an intention to do at least a few minutes of cross stitching every day. It relaxes me, it’s productive – in that I’m frequently making gifts – it’s making art, even though I’m following a pattern, and it satisfies one of my core values: creativity. In just about 5 years, I’ve missed a total of 17 days. I celebrate milestones, for example, the first time I hit 100 days, then 200, then 365, then 500. You get the idea! I’ve started working on applying that persistence and intention to other things in my life, and it’s been very valuable.

Before I look at the benefits of a few specific hobbies, I want to mention something I’ve found very useful as I work on my own health. It can be very easy to mindlessly snack while doing some activities; for example, while reading or watching TV. Have you tried to snack while working a jigsaw puzzle, or hiking, or knitting? It doesn’t work that well! So a side benefit of keeping busy with some of the hobbies we will talk about is a natural appetite suppressant, helping distract you from potentially unhealthy snacks!

Running, walking, hiking, or any kind of exercise, particularly outside? That’s pretty obvious. Getting moving is a good thing. Getting your heart rate up is a better thing. Finding ways to do both of those and have some fun is the best thing!  Clear your head, get exercise, jumpstart your day, enjoy the outdoors. Everyone has heard that old piece of advice around going for a walk to clear your head if you’re dealing with a particularly thorny issue or an idea that just won’t solidify.

Do you enjoy reading fiction? It’s a great way to overcome stress! It gives your brain a break, and puts you in a trance-like state, similar to meditation. It can help you get better sleep and lower your stress levels. Reading may be the best way to overcome stress, even better than music or a walk. It helps you sleep better, unless, like me, you’re susceptible to suggestion and have crazy-real dreams. Reading fiction before bed can help you disengage from the day and relax. I would add that I highly, highly recommend reading an actual paper book and not a book on your smartphone. Why? An actual book instead of a gadget means you cut down on the impact of blue light. The blue light from your gadget contributes to messing up your circadian rhythms, and decreases your REM sleep, which messes with your problem solving skills as well as messing with creating memories. It can take as much as ten minutes longer to fall asleep.

Is your hobby some form of art, whether it’s drawing, or painting, or photography? Art can relieve stress or anxiety. Making art can improve connections in your brain, and so can learning something new. It won’t necessarily cure or prevent an illness, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s, however, making art has been shown to build connections in the brain’s default mode neural network. This is a relatively recent scientific definition and the full ramifications aren’t yet realized. A region in your brain is more active when you are not specifically working on something. Strengthen that default network, and you potentially improve your overall cognitive function, your memories, and your understanding of others.

Playing music is another art form and it is specifically associated with cognitive gains. I’m fairly certain this is an overblown way of saying, “playing music can make you smarter.” Or, maybe, I’m oversimplifying. Better language ability, better academic performance, and improved memory are a few benefits found for kids. But guess what? It’s good for adults, too. Making music can enhance your quality of life, meaning your mental, physical, and emotional health.

Making art, not with an end goal in mind, although that isn’t a bad thing, but making art itself helps you get in the zone or achieve flow. It has – can have – a positive impact on your mood. If you spend as little as 45 minutes a day making art, the stress hormone, cortisol, is significantly reduced in your body. Why is this helpful? Cortisol is critical for controlling blood pressure, glucose metabolism, and reducing inflammation. Too much, though, leads to overreaction and too much stress, and that’s bad for your health. Reduce the cortisol, reduce the stress, increase your relaxedness, and increase your mental clarity.

Do you volunteer for an organization or activity? Is it on your own, or do you take work teams out to volunteer? Volunteering your time & energy for a cause that means something to you has benefits above & beyond the helper’s high, that positive emotional state some people experience after providing help to others. When you volunteer, it’s likely you’ll meet a fair number of other people who share at least some of your interests. Those shared interests and increased social interaction can help combat depression. Volunteering can help you stay mentally & physically active, which contributes to potential decreases in chronic illnesses and can help you live longer. It can also help you decrease your stress levels by savoring a sense of meaning, by being of service to others.

Do you enjoy working puzzles, either jigsaw or crossword or word finds and such? Putting a jigsaw puzzle together means you’re using both sides of your brain – creative and analytical – and this contributes to what some people call a meditative or even Zen-like experience. Working puzzles of all kinds can reduce anxiety, delay mental decline (conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia), help improve your memory, and increase your problem-solving skills. Lower stress levels, increased attention to detail, and educational opportunities are a few other benefits. It doesn’t have to be a hugely-complicated puzzle to have benefits. A small book that you can keep in your desk drawer. An app on your phone. A small jigsaw puzzle that you can work – alone or with family – in half an hour. It’s yet another way to engage your brain differently. You may find yourself back at whatever was troubling you with a different or innovative solution that is exactly what you didn’t know you needed!

In case you haven’t noticed, this is a topic about which I’m pretty passionate. Being fulfilled by work and family is important. Taking time to explore other areas, skills, and interests – your hobbies – can have multiple benefits beyond relaxing down time. (Although, that by itself is a good thing, too!) You may find your brain relaxing enough, while you crochet or work a puzzle, that suddenly exactly the right answer for a particularly thorny problem presents itself. You may find your anxiety levels decreasing while you color, which then leaves you more able to focus on something you need to accomplish at work or at home. And learning something completely new? That’s good for your brain! So who’s looking at their hobbies with a new perspective, or who’s ready to pick up a new hobby? Cheers! Here’s to your health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Persistence

“Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming!”

Whether or not you had small children when FINDING NEMO was released, or whether you’re a kid at heart and saw the movie without taking kids with you, you’ve probably heard Dory’s admonition to just keep swimming. Today, I want to talk about persistence, and that line just keeps swimming through my brain.

I named my coaching practice the way I did for a reason. Make One Change is a valid, positive, and, most importantly, sustainable concept that anyone can do for as long as it takes to make a valid, positive, sustainable change in their life. The thing that comes most immediately to mind for me is cross stitching. As of today, my stitching streak is 575 days. That’s a lot. That is a LOT of time making sure, even for a few minutes each day, that I have done something on one of my many cross stitch projects.

How does that relate to life in general?

Just. Keep. Swimming.

Persistence pays off. It seems, sometimes, as if we keep moving and moving and moving and we don’t get anywhere. There may be an epiphany, a moment in which everything we’ve been moving toward is suddenly right there, right in front of us, ready to be dealt with. There may be a gradual realization that, without noticing, we are where we want or need to be.

So how do you start?

Pick one thing. It can be a critical thing, like paying bills on time so services don’t get cut off and you don’t pay late fees. It can be a soul-nurturing thing, like my cross stitching daily. It can be one thing of whatever-it-is that is going to make a critical difference in your life when you look back and you realize that slowly but surely you worked on it every day, or every week, or whatever it takes to make that thing a regular thing in your life.

Keep track and celebrate milestones. I keep a note in my phone and every single day I cross stitch, I make an update in my phone. Neurotic? Maybe! Ha! Here’s the thing, though. It keeps me organized and it keeps me honest. I do the same thing about whether I’ve had potato chips. I loooooooooooooove potato chips, but honestly? They’re not a healthy food. And I was eating them way too much. And I wanted them gone from my daily diet. From January 19, 2019, through May 16, 2019, I was successful. It was a day-by-day thing, and I was persistent. On May 17th I made a deliberate, conscious decision to have a small portion of kettle chips at a party, and on May 18th, I was happy to start up again my streak of not having potato chips. I felt successful, because I’d been persistent. Saying no to something that had been a regular snack, whether I was happy, sad, mad, stressed, celebrating, or whatever-the-case-may-be, I had excuses to have potato chips. Until I didn’t any more. Until it was a choice to have them, and then it was a happy choice to go back to skipping them. That is a great feeling! There are other things about which I’m persistent, and I’m working on picking one thing to focus on at a time. The most important thing is to focus on the positives and just keep going.

When I think about my cross stitching streak, I don’t think about whether I’ve spent five minutes or five hours on it on a daily basis. I think about whether I have DONE my cross stitching today. It’s about following through on that positive intention to get something done on one of my multiple projects. I don’t think about whether I’m sitting on the sofa, relaxing and watching TV while I stitch, or sitting in the car en route to wherever. I’ve just done the stitching. (Side note: just as I always have a book with me, I try always to have a small cross stitch project with me!)

What about you? What is one thing that if you said to yourself, “Today is the day I start this and I’m going to do this at least a little bit every day,” you’d feel better?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!

p.s. That thumbnail pic? That’s proof of persistence…because I was cross stitching in the car! :)

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Food Allergies

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. (Arthur Conan Doyle, through his character, “Sherlock Holmes.”)

Some things have been eliminated, so other things must be true. Right? (Yes, I know. I started last week’s post this way as well.)

Related to the issues that led to getting a colonoscopy as discussed in last week’s #winewellnesswednesday post, I followed up this week with food allergy testing.

Three things on the list of allergy results were not a surprise, although one of them now confirms that going gluten-free was a good plan. I already knew I am allergic to pecans and walnuts; I suspected I might be allergic to wheat.

The rest of the list of food allergies was a major surprise. Some items are a massive, horrendous disappointment. I found out today that I am also allergic to almonds, cashews, peanuts, sesame seeds, soy, codfish, and crab. Interestingly enough, an item that came up as an allergy 30 years ago did not this time, although it may be an intestinal irritant that’s bad enough to avoid eating, and that is corn. Codfish & crab aren’t a big deal; I didn’t eat them anyway. Seeing sesame seeds on the list is disappointing, as I like them very much. But the nuts – almonds and cashews – and the peanuts? And an outright allergy to soy? Those are a massive shock and a major disappointment. Peanuts are in many things that I like very much. And soy? Soy, possibly more so than wheat, is EVERYWHERE. One of my favorite gluten-free pastas has soy flour in it. A majority of chocolate bars include soy lecithin. Not to mention I cannot now safely eat edamame, and that makes me very, very sad.

I’m trying to look at the things that I can eat and think of the opportunities! The nightshades are safe, so I can happily still consume peppers, tomatoes, and potatoes. Rice, oats, milk, meat, strawberries, onions, garlic, and apples are all ok. It surprised me that celery is ok, as it makes my throat itch if I eat it raw. But while I have many things to watch out for, and losing almonds, cashews, and peanuts was a shock, I also have really good options for wholesome, nutritious foods that I can still enjoy. I am now even more encouraged to focus more on cooking real food, instead of relying on processed foods. And that is a good, good thing.

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Get Screened

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. (Arthur Conan Doyle, through his character, “Sherlock Holmes.”)

Some things have been eliminated, so other things must be true. Right?

Some topics are harder, more personal, and ever so slightly uncomfortable to talk about. (Or to write about; either is true!) Being sick is both depressing and disheartening. And not being able to identify a clear cause for being sick contributes to the depressing and disheartening feelings. Not knowing whether it will be safe to be away from a bathroom can put a real damper on the day’s activities. I finally said, “Enough’s enough,” and saw my doctor, which led to another doctor appointment, which led to…

On April 24th, I had a colonoscopy. I’m a little too young for the standard screening, but multiple issues without explanation or clear causation landed me in the gastroenterologist’s office, which led to the colonoscopy.

Overall, the results of the scope were good. I’m cancer free and there are no signs of either colitis or Chron’s.

On the other hand, the scope provided no good answers for my ongoing gut issues, which is why I’m going to have food allergy testing next week. I’ve already eliminated wheat and other gluten grains from my diet, and I’ve eliminated whole-kernel corn (and popcorn) and most processed corn as well. I may find out that there are other things to which I’m allergic, and those may be the cause of the issues. Waiting can be very difficult!

On the other, other hand…one of the polyps removed last week was precancerous. They take about 10 years to actually develop into cancer, and it means I’ll need to go back in 5 years for another screening instead of waiting a decade. I would also be happier without some of the post-scope issues I’ve had.

Cancer is a scary word. Colon cancer kills about fifty thousand people a year. The risks of developing it are about 1 out of 22 for men and 1 out of 24 for women. That doesn’t seem like much until it’s staring you in the face. 

I’ve already survived one cancer, and I’ve been grateful ever since that I had no chemo and no radiation. Hearing the doctor say one of the polyps was precancerous made my heart stop for a moment.

I wish I had better answers, however, at the same time, I wonder if my body wasn’t trying to get my attention. “There might be a problem here; please get it figured out.”

Listen to your body. Whether it’s your intestinal tract, your lungs, your heart, whatever it may be, listen to your body. Get screened. Whether you wait until the recommended age or have issues that send you in earlier, get screened. It could save your life.

Wine& Wellness Wednesday: Balance

I recently put a call out asking what types of topics people are interested in, and I’ve had a really, really wonderful time researching and then formulating responses to those topic requests. (So…if there’s anything about which you’re curious as you read this, by all means, drop me a message and let me know!) 

One of the requests was for balance and how to find it. When I delved into that a bit more, I came up with a few questions that I’d like to ponder further in this blog post.

First question: Do you know your core values, and do you have them written down? I'm not talking about your strengths, for example, if you’ve taken the Gallup strength finder assessment, but rather the two or three words that define your core values. These are your fundamental beliefs; your guiding principles. I'm not talking about a personal mission statement or vision statement. You’re looking at two or three words. I went through a fairly extensive exercise a few years ago and what I came away with from that exercise is that my core values are peace, knowledge, and creativity. I try to focus on those three things as I move through my days; sometimes I'm more successful than others. Some days I have to say no to some things in order to achieve either peace, knowledge, or time for creativity. That can be a real challenge.

Second question: If you were to ask yourself this question, what would you answer yourself? "What REALLY matters to me?" I have three things written on a sticky note and I have that note on the wall by my desk. I recently added a fourth item, but I have deliberately kept the list short. Again, I try to use that list as a guide and a touchstone when I think about what I want to get done.

Third question: What thing (or things) in your life can you absolutely not do without on a daily basis? Have you set an intention to make whatever-that-is happen every day? Some of you have probably heard me tell the story about my cross stitching; five years ago I realized I hadn't stitched in weeks and I was feeling very stitchy. (Feel free to substitute a different letter for the start of that word...) So I set an intention to cross stitch every day. I've missed only 17 days in almost five years because I make time for that critical (to me) activity every day, even if on occasion I am standing in my living room holding a project in my hand to stitch for 30 seconds. It isn't the amount of time or the number of stitches I do that matter to me. It’s setting and living by the intention to make cross stitching time happen every day. That intention is a very mindful practice and it helps balance my days.

We are all frequently pulled in multiple directions, and it can feel overwhelming. How in the world are we going to get all the things done? Honestly? We can’t always…and in some ways, acknowledging that we can’t do everything has to be ok. It is about more than prioritizing. To me, it’s about knowing your core values, what really matters to you, and what you can’t do without on a daily basis.

Cheers! Here’s to your health! (And here’s to keeping things balanced!)




Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Eliminate Should and Focus on the Positive

Have you ever thought about words and the impact your words have on your mental health, and then by extension on your physical health? I’m thinking of one in particular, and it may not be the word you think I’m going to mention.


I should. You should. We should. They should.

I want to eliminate that word from my vocabulary; I can think of very few positive uses of it.

I should eat more veggies. I should call my parents more. I should exercise more. I should get up earlier. I should work harder. I should, I should, I should.

All of those things may be true. The tone of that word, however, is so negative, and so weighted with obligation and the potential for regret, that it almost hurts to think it sometimes.

What if…

What if you substituted “could” or “can” or “will” and change the thinking from obligation to opportunity?

I can get up earlier and exercise longer. I will go for a walk at lunch. I can make more salads. I could skip the brownie. I will call my parents more often or send them more emails. I could, I can, I will!

The words we say (or think) have an impact not only on ourselves, but on the people around us. Think about the impact to your mental health, and by extension on your physical health, if you start changing your thoughts.

Thoughts matter, whether we only think them in our heads or actually say those thoughts out loud. Positive thoughts matter and have a better impact on our bodies than negative thoughts. I thought (ha!) for a long time that my dad was a little goofy for insisting that the body doesn’t subconsciously hear negatives. For example, if you were to say, “I’m not getting sick,” what the body hears and registers is, “I’m getting sick,” and that can lead to a self-defeating situation in which you do indeed get sick.

But if you say to yourself, “I am healthy; I am well,” or “I will stay healthy,” then that reinforces your objective of staying healthy. It worked for me for months after I had kidney surgery in 2009. After the surgery, I caught a cold, which became pneumonia, and I developed pleurisy. That was the final straw at the time. I started focusing my thought process on “I am healthy.” I stayed healthy for a long time until multiple factors wore me down and I caught another cold. But it was a long, long time; close to a couple of years!

Cheers! Here’s to your health. :) You CAN! You ARE healthy. You ARE well!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Wines for Health without Headaches

Oh, golly. I think we’re going to have to file this one under the category of every body is different, and one person’s reaction to red wine will be better (or worse) than someone else’s.

What causes wine headaches? What makes red wine healthy? Are these two different topics to tackle? It seems that way, however, they are related if you suffer from wine headaches but are interested in red wine for health.

Talk about divergent information and ideas and study results about what causes headaches from wine drinking… It could make a person need a drink!

Ok. What causes wine headaches? Again, every person is going to be a bit different.

When the wine contains both histamines and tyramines, this can result in headaches. Histamines dilate blood vessels, and tyramines constrict them. Combined? Potential headache. How do you know if tyramines & histamines are an issue? Do you get headaches after eating aged cheeses or smoked/cured meats?

Tannins provide much of the dryness in red wine, and can cause red wine headaches by increasing the release of serotonin in the brain, according to one source. Apparently, very dry red wines will contain lots of tannins, which can turn around and cause lots of headaches.

If the wine contains lots of cogeners, which are chemicals formed during the fermentation process, it might cause more headaches. Red wines contain more of these chemicals than white.

Surprise! It might not be sulfites, or, if you are in the 1% of the population allergic to sulfites, it might. A wine headache after a wine high in sulfite levels may be due to depleted vitamin B levels combined with dehydration.

The region in which a grape is grown may make a difference, and even the container in which the wine is fermented may impact the headache-inducing qualities (or lack thereof).

See what I mean?? Confusing!!

One way to help avoid both a headache and (or) a hangover? Drink water. Staying hydrated is important, and wine, while delicious, doesn’t actually help you do so.

Now, what makes red wine healthy? This, again, is up for debate. Red wine is fermented with the grape skins. Those grape skins contain resveratrol, a polyphenol, which is an antioxidant. Polyphenols such as resveratrol have been linked to heart health. Anthocyanins, the pigments that provide the red color in grapes, may also have antioxidant properties. (Quick reminder: antioxidants may prevent or delay some types of cell damage.) Those antioxidants may help increase levels of HDL cholesterol. That’s the good cholesterol, for those of you following along at home. Resveratrol may help reduce LDL cholesterol. That’s the bad one. It may also not be any of the above, as the studies on humans have, or so it seems, been inconclusive.

It may also be related to diet in general; the Mediterranean diet, for example, features healthier foods, for example, olive oil, poultry, fish, vegetables, fruits, and…red wine.  

The wine with the highest levels of polyphenols, specifically resveratrol, is the Sardinian Cannonau wine from the Grenache grape. It is also high in anthocyanins. Malbec, Petite Sirah (Syrah), and Pinot Noir grapes have been found to have the next highest levels.

And as I have noted on several occasions, it is not necessary to start drinking red wine to get the benefits. Purple grape juice provides many of the same benefits, without the potential problems of adding alcohol to your diet. Eating grapes or blueberries? Those are also good options. 

So what’s the bottom line? Surprise! There isn’t one. There are multiple factors that can cause red wine headaches, and there are multiple types of red wine that can potentially have health benefits. Drink lots of water when you’re drinking any type of alcohol. Look for the specific grapes I mentioned above, and, if it helps, think about looking for wines sourced from organic or chemical-free grapes. Try small amounts of different types of wine, for example, wines that are fermented in oak barrels have different properties from wines fermented in steel barrels. It may make a difference for you, and it may not. Drink small amounts; a serving is 5 ounces. (If you put it in a small glass, it looks like more!)

Cheers! Here’s to your health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Food As Medicine?

Sometimes you read something that seems both groundbreaking and incredibly obvious.

Let’s see here.

Some foods are bad for you.

Conversely, some foods must be good for you. Right?


In a recent issue of TIME magazine, an article focused on food as medicine.

“Food is becoming a particular focus of doctors, hospitals, insurers and even employers who are frustrated by the slow progress of drug treatments in reducing food-related diseases like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and even cancer.”

A persistent lack of Oxford commas notwithstanding, this quote from the article hit a gigantic DUH note with me. Science and our understanding of how the human body processes food are constantly changing. 

Here are a few examples:

  • Eggs are bad for you!

  • Eggs are good cholesterol.

  • Too much alcohol is bad for you!

  • Red wine is healthy in small amounts.

(Ok, maybe that is a bad example, because honestly? Too much alcohol really is bad for you. Also this blog is called Wine & Wellness Wednesday. You get the point, though, right?)

  • Butter is evil! Olive oil is the best!

  • Olive oil is awful. Use coconut oil.

  • Coconut oil is evil! Use butter!

  • Red meat causes cancer.

  • Red meat has healthy proteins the body needs.

Anyone else getting dizzy? The spin, the redirection, the conflicting claims can all be enough to make a person say, “To heck with it, I’ll eat what I want.”

And people do. (At times, I do!)

Think about this. Every body is different. What works for me is going to cause problems for someone else, and vice versa. Genetic predisposition plays a role. Environment plays a role. Economics play a role. One person’s full-fat whole-milk latte is a lactose-intolerant person’s nightmare.

Use common sense. Use portion control. Eat fresh, local foods when you can, and be careful of the type and quantity of processed foods that you’re consuming. Check out the claims of different diets very, very carefully. Eat more vegetables than meat. Go for walks, or find exercise that works for you.

I would like to make it exquisitely clear that I do not advocate for changing your medication based on changes to your diet without consulting your physician. As I’ve said in the past and will continue to say, I am a health coach. I’m an advocate and an accountability partner, not a medical professional. I was able to make a substantial change in my own life and remove a medication from my arsenal once I went the gluten-free route. I talked with my doctor when I did. That is something about which I want to be very clear. I believe in the power of food for health, and in using all of your resources responsibly. 

Cheers! Here’s to your health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Cutting Chips

I sometimes wonder if I take the alliteration too far or if I’m the only one amused with it. And then I decide since I am amused with it, I’ll alliterate away! :)

I love potato chips.

Scratch that.

I LOVED potato chips. Both the emphasis and the past tense are appropriate now.

In the category of potato chips, I include all kinds of snack items such as Cheetos, Doritos, and Funyuns, FYI. I don’t include pretzels, or tortilla chips such as those you get at a Mexican restaurant. It’s next to impossible to buy so-called single serving bags of gluten-free pretzels at convenience stores, and I so rarely have tortilla chips unless I’m at a restaurant that they’re a non-issue for this habit. And let’s be honest. Those single serving bags of chips at a convenience store? They’re large enough to share and no one ever does!

I haven’t had potato chips for two full months. I’d been trying to break this snack habit for the better part of a year and I had intermittent success.

I loved the crunch and salt and flavor of sour cream & onion, or barbecue, or sometimes even just plain chips. Ditto for the salt & flavor & crunch of Cheetos, which are gluten-free. (I never said all gluten-free foods are health foods!) I found myself wanting (needing) salt after long, hot days working outside. Chips made good comfort food when I’d been sick, or filler food when I was bored.

I didn’t love the feeling when I finished eating them. Greasy, overly salty, overly processedy…these were all sort of ick feelings. (Yes, autocorrect, I know “processedy” isn’t a word. I’m using it anyway. So there!)

I have started successfully using other things to satisfy the salt & crunch cravings. Lightly salted, roasted almonds are much less salty & greasy than chips. Gluten-free crackers, carrots, or sometimes cashews, sunflower seeds, or roasted edamame filled in. I almost forgot one! Hot buttered Cheerios are a good substitute for both potato chips & popcorn. Sometimes I need salt & a little fat, so I’ll grab a string cheese. Some of these options are still almost junk food, but almost all of them are healthier.

The biggest success and the thing about which I’m the happiest is avoiding certain triggers that would usually send me running to the store or asking my husband to do so. I didn’t go for chips the last couple of times I’ve been sick or to the doctor. I haven’t gone for chips after long days working, or when I’m stressed or emotional.

Newer science says it takes 66 days to build a habit. I’m living proof that a bad habit can be successfully broken in that time as well. Another way to look at it is that I’ve built a good habit of picking healthier snacks!

What bad (or good) habit have you broken (or built) lately?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Meditation Is a Healthy Habit

Last week, I posted about building healthy habits. (It’s a theme for me!)

This week, I want to talk - again - about meditation. It’s a healthy habit, too, that helps me start my day in a positive way.

It doesn’t have to be for hours on end, although I know people who can meditate for an hour or more.

I do try to continue to increase the amount of time I spend meditating, and I frequently find myself being so relaxed with being present with my breath that I am surprised when the end chime sounds.

I still haven’t mastered meditating on weekends.

But otherwise? Everything in my post from last June is still very true!

Cheers! Here’s to your health!